Sunday, 6 March 2011

HeLLO ^_^


GosH!!! I can't believe i am actually doing this thing (Blogging).... Maybe dah takde keje kot. do i start this...perhaps i should start bout myself...Damn!! this is like last time during school. Remember there are girls like to give you the small lil cute book. Ask you to write bout urself..the "BIODATA" thingy!!! ahahaha...what a cute memories kan. Anyway lets get it started....

  1. First. Lemme Intro2 myself. Nama I Adit Jerin. Well I was born on June 13 kat Queen Elizabeth Hospital Kota Kinabalu. Yes! I am Sabahan. Orang Kampung Pasir Putih Putatan. My Dad dah tak keje. Pencen dah! hihi. My mom secretary je. 
  2. I ni Berbangsa Bajau. Sebab my father is Bajau. My mom actually ade mix dengan Pakistanese. But i never consider myself as a mix blood pun. Coz we have to follow our dad kan. So kalau orang tanya. I cakap I Bajau je and I am very proud of that. Most of us might think that orang kat Sabah tu Non-Muslim. But semua Bajau tu beragama Islam. So I am Muslim.
  3. What else erk. Oh yeah! dulu I study kat UiTM je. Manage to finish my Degree on time even though I was struggling la that time. I don't care berapa la pointer as long as I finish it on time dah cukup!.  But darn! i didnt attend my graduation day coz that time I dah start keje. 
  4. Now! Talking bout work. I keje biase2 je. For those yang tau tu...tau la kan. Well keje I ni bagi orang makan je. Tak susah sangat pun. However, It will become so difficult if I have to deal with those difficult one.  It will be a challenge to deal with them. Patience plays the most important part of it. So no matter how hard it is. SMILE je ^_^ 
  5. What I like?. Actually tak terkira kot. Banyak giler mende yang i suke. Basically, I am very homey kinda guy. I don't really like to be in crowds. So kalau ada orang ajak I tengok movie I will think bout it so many times. If let say i am free I will go out and shop! Eat! Lepak! Surfing!.
I think that's bout it lah for now. Too much of info pun tak bleh juga kan. So some of it I have to keep.  Hak cipta terpelihara kan. Ahahaha!..I think for a beginner like me. I don't have to write a lot of stuff. For those who read this thing. I am so sorry i didn't use proper language. Mix it with Malay and English. But yeah! My English is sucks! i refuse to write in English. Again, my sincere apologies...waaah! So yeah...that's about it for now...I hope i can update this thing regularly. Enjoy!