Tuesday, 8 March 2011

I'm Gonna Miss Her...

3 years back I met this girl and I had a chance to work with her also! Yeah i was still very new at that time. I remember i told her i am still very new in this area. She said "Tenang aja!" means relax! calm down okay!..well of course i messed up everything! what do you expect! i was still new!..there's one funny thing happened though. But yeah! I'm gonna keep it like my dirty lil secret! hiks~. After that we become so close! 

Her name is Novi. She was born on Nov the 1st. Very pretty girl! elegant!. I always adore her! the way she dressed up, the way she carry herself!. Whenever we have a chance to meet up, she never fail to impress me!. With that Chanel bag and earrings!, with the heels! the hair! the make up! accessories!. If you ask her to wear the batik pun she will absolutely look gorgeous!. "Cantik sekali kamu"...I always say that to her. Then, she will reply me "Ahh!..masa sih!" ^_^...BUT YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL NOVI!!!

I think both of us have a chemistry. As a friend, she will be there for you. I always know that! So whatever happen to me, she will be among the first one to know. In fact! sometimes, she will the first one i will run to. Because, i know she will be there for me no matter what!. We do share stories, gossiping! and yes! WINE AND DINE!!!..Thats our favorite things to do whenever we got a chance! WE BOTH KNOWS HOW TO HAVE FUN!!. 

Like me, she is very direct as well. She knows how to say things, at the right time. However, do not ever! EVER! step on her toes! she knows how to cut, slice and dice you with her language!. Trust me that is what i like the most about her!. Oh yeah! she can cook as well. Gosh! whenever she cook, i will ask for more!! like pepsi!! LOL!!!

There's different side of her which i find it very cute! She collects Barbies!!! ahahahaha...yeah she is! But who cares right!! . I don't know how may barbies she collected! but i'm sure its P.L.E.N.T.Y!!!

Now come the sad part!. Most probably, she will leave this job soon!. Well yeah! she's still gonna be around though! but yeah, i don't know! it's kinda sad when someone that you used to work with is going to leave and i'm out here on my own soon!. Well, at the same time i'm glad. At least, she still gonna be around! So King Johnny (her husband ^_^). I am 100% sure you going to take care of  your Queen Novi. LOL!!!

To Novi! If you ever read this which i am sure you will. Because, i am gonna tell you that i write something for you after i finish this! LOL!!!. You are not just a best friend to me,  not just a sister!! you are more than that!!. They might ask me "how could you write nice and cool stuff about someone?". Well, she is cool and fun! They can say W.T.F from saturday to sunday or all the weekdays to me!! but i don't care!!. Dude! she's fun to hang out with!! So Novi, I wish you luck and happiness!! you've proven not only to me,but to EVERYBODY!! that you are the "Best Friend" ever! Muachhh to you! Its time for you to take a good care of King Johnny! ^_^

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